HTML Form Prototipo

Este documento muestra los varios tipos soportados por el HTML.

Text Fields

Basic text entry field:

Text entry field with default value:

Text entry field of 40 characters:

Text entry field of 5 characters, maximum:

Password entry field (*'s are echoed):


A 60x3 scrollable textarea:


Here is a checkbox , and a checked checkbox .

Radio Buttons

Radio buttons (one-of-many selection):
  1. First choice.
  2. Second choice. (Default CHECKED.)
  3. Third choice.

Option Menus

One-of-many (Third Option selected by default):

Many-of-many (First and Third selected by default):

NOTE: Hold down CTRL and click to multiple-select.

Special Buttons

Submit button (mandatory):

Reset button (optional):


Heres a link to a handy HTML forms reference .

Prototypical HTML Form /