Processor Scheduling (Deadline based)


Algorithm Descriptions

1. Earliest Deadline (ED): In this algorithm, a ready task with the earliest deadline is scheduled and that task is run to completion. A task that is waiting and ready is dropped if its completion deadline is passed.

Helpful Hints
Process Name:Name of the process is entered in this field
Arrival Time: Time when the process enters the ready queue
Service time (Ts): average service time, average time spent in running state
Completion time: Time by which process should be completed. A process that is waiting and ready is dropped if its completion deadline is passed
Turnaround time (Tq): turnaround time, total time in system, waiting plus execution.
Tq/Ts : is the normalized turnaround time. This value indicates the relative delay experienced by a process. Typically, the longer the process execution time, the greater the absolute amount of delay that can be tolerated. The minimum possible value of this ratio is 1.0; increasing values correspond to a decreasing level of service.
Status: All the steps of the selected algorithm are displayed in detail while the simulation is running
Speed Bar: Can be used to control the speed of the simulation
Drop Dowm: To select the algorithms described above
Run: Button to start the simulation